Swimming For Freedom
Swimming for Freedom tells the story of Tera's unconventional comeback and shows that through God, all things are possible. What started as an Olympic dream ended in her true miracle: the freedom of a life in Christ. Tera's story will inspire you to rise up, dream again, and fight for his calling on your life.

"I highly encourage you to get two copies of this book: one for you and one for the person in your life who might be going through a personal hell. The pages of her story will inspire you and challenge your way of life.
- Josh Foliart
Founder of MULTIPLi Global
Full of twists and turns, Swimming for Freedom kept me glued to the pages as I experienced a spectrum of emotions, laughing out loud in some parts, amazed in others, full of frustration for her in yet others. Whatever you’re going through right now, THIS is the book to read to change your perspective and give you hope to dream and live a victorious life in Christ!
- Jenna Overby
Amazon Customer